Best car insurance: 6 Smart Tips in choosing your insurance

Best car insurance: 6 Smart Tips in choosing your insurance

The increase in the number of motor vehicles increasingly surged every year, it makes getting crowded roads and often causes congestion. In addition to congestion, an increasing number of motor vehicles also raises other issues such as traffic accidents and also the crime. The reason, traffic accidents that occur not only caused minor injuries but also a loss of life of a person that can harm all parties, both victims of the accident, the family, as well as other road users.

In some cases, accidents can cause considerable financial losses. Have you been aware that accidents cannot be avoided? But the harm it causes can be anticipated by way of transferring it to a third party, namely, register a vehicle on the auto insurance or vehicle insurance.

It cannot be denied that awareness to have car insurance is important and most people already know that. In fact, the more people who use ignore car insurance or vehicle insurance, financial literacy for the insurance products of any type, be it the best car insurance or other vehicle insurance, health insurance, and more.

Understanding of the insurance is quite important considering insurance is one of the effective ways to plan and manage your finances to avoid large expenditures unexpectedly arrived. Best auto insurance or vehicle insurance is one type of protection is important and required by the owner of the four-wheeled vehicles. Because in an era as it is today more and more car users so that an increase in the volume of vehicles in some countries.

The use of car insurance is not new since tens of years ago have already sprung up a variety of insurance companies. Therefore, as consumers, we must choose which type of jelly and car insurance products that match your needs and budget. Whether you already have insurance for your vehicle? If you don't already have it, begin to choose the type of insurance best car insurance or vehicle that is right for your needs and also take note of the different types of car insurance product you choose, whether it be the best car insurance to cover all your needs?

1. adjust the types of insurance for your needs

The first thing you should see when will choose vehicle insurance or car insurance best is the age of the vehicle itself, the condition of the machine and the condition of the body of the car. By knowing the condition of the vehicle, you can easily select the type of insurance that will be selected.

There are 2 types of car insurance:

  • All Risk insurance or a comprehensive
Types of car insurance car insurance are the first all risk. Types of vehicle insurance are insurance also can be called comprehensive or overall because all risk insurance types are very precisely selected if Your new car was 0-10 years, because at the age, a condition of the body of the car is still smooth, so it takes total protection. All risk insurance have different types of extension you can add such as loss due to collision or theft and protection from floods. By using the all risk insurance product, you will get a temporary replacement car while your car is in the repair period in the workshop. In addition, all risk insurance still have the kind of protection such as third-party claims, damage caused by collision, reversed, slipping, mired, to fire.

  • TLO Insurance (Total Loss Only)

In accordance with the meaning, the Total Loss Only (TLO) insurance is "only (if) the total loss". Types of car insurance are related to the protection and the insurance claims process that can only be filed if the total loss, is a loss total in TLO Insurance is this is due to theft or damage. Where the cost of repair is equal to or more than 75% on the price of the car. TLO Insurance is appropriate is selected if your car was 10-15 years because, at the age, a condition of the body of the car is not as smooth as it used to be like and certainly will not be used again. If the old car (6-10 years) using all risk car insurance, loading rate will be charged 5% per year.

TLO Insurance has its own advantages, namely the cost of insurance premiums cheaper, compared to the all risk insurance which does have more insurance premiums costs are high. and if viewed from the side of his protection all risk insurance provides protection that is more comprehensive than with TLO Insurance.

2. Do product comparisons and company Insurance

Compare the different types of the same vehicle protection products at the best auto insurance company is different will be very useful to know what kind of service and budget protection that best suits your needs. The comparison can be done by browsing on the official website of the company respectively, in addition, you can also go to the Office directly will protect your car and asked through an insurance agent.

3. Listen to and consider the Recommendations of the Dealer

Listen to and consider the Recommendations of the Dealer

In determining the best car insurance certainly, need to also pay attention to the car insurance company will be selected. It would be nice you listen to recommendations from the dealership the vehicle. At least you will be guided in selecting insurance companies as well as given a recommendation what insurance company according to their pretty good and trustworthy and you will get a number of important information of the company recommended by the dealer.

Once you get a recommendation from the dealer doesn't mean the recommendations directly You take and disconnect. However, you also need to and should seek information about insurance companies that have been recommended and also seek the insurance company back in reference to himself as a comparison as well as match or not with you and also right drive your car.

4. adjust with the ability to pay insurance premiums

The more best car insurance coverage expansion was taken is indeed getting better and make the protection of your car is even more secure. But a large number of expansion makes the price premium is also increasing. We recommend that you adjust the selected products with the ability to pay insurance premiums, do not get because the cost of insurance premiums are too expensive to make you have to owe to pay for it.

Noteworthy, too, for no insistence on the cost of insurance premiums cheaper due to the cost of insurance premiums are cheap is not necessarily guarantee you'll get good service

and there is a price, there is excellent quality. We recommend that you do also a comparison-a comparison of first on product protection programs with other insurance companies.

5. Understand the types of Vehicle insurance policy will be given

Best car insurance: 6 Smart Tips in choosing your insurance

Understand the types of policy in choosing the best car insurance is an important thing to you when it is going to be potential borrowers, so you understand and know what points will cover your vehicle which is indicated in the insurance policy such vehicles.

Understanding the best car insurance policy is not an easy job because the language provided in the policy is a complicated legal language, typically written with small letters and sentence length. However, to better understand if you could request a dummy policy or copy from the best car insurance policy. Usually, copy policy contains the policy standards from each company vehicle protection program, this policy describes the rules and agreements between the parties with clients bear or the insurance company.

The following are the points of the insurance policy must be understood more deeply:

  • Risks Covered - Understand the risks covered by the vehicle insurance policy as well as the best car insurance is a very important thing. Examples are the policy to cover flood or give replacement car loans.
  • Risks Excluded - After you understand the risk of what is guaranteed by the insurance, to note any risk also excluded or risks that are not covered by the insurance. Examples of exceptions from the best car insurance company i.e. not guarantee losses caused when a vehicle used to tow another vehicle, giving driving lessons, used to race car racing, or used for crimes.
  • Claims Procedure - Ask the vehicle protection program to explain how the procedure of his claim, the document or any files that are required to file the insurance claim and also ask how long the time limit for filing claims as well as whether there was a penalty or not.
  • Please choose a company that quickly in dealing with the claims of customers. find out through the company official website about how much insurance claims were received by the company. Don't just choose the best car insurance company with a big name but the service and performance are so bad and slow.
  • The Name Of The Insured Who Became Dependents In The Insurance Policy That - In auto insurance, the insurance will only guarantee losses if the car is damaged caused by the name of the insured and not by any other party.
  • Recipients Of Insurance Benefits - Usually, insurance beneficiaries are the name that is listed in the policy. But there are several insurance companies that allow recipients of insurance benefits is the insured and others.
  • When The Insurance Policy Validity Period - Not only the validity period that must be observed, but policyholders also must observe when expiration policy. Note the date, month, and year of the expiration of the policy.
  • The Amount Of Cash Liability - Look carefully, how large the value of coverage, is there any coverage for Third Party Liability (TPL). How much does the premium, the cost of loading? The cost of premiums and expansion of what is recovered in the premium?

6. use the services of the best insurance companies

use the services of the best insurance companies

Consider some of these things in chooses the best insurance company:

  • Kredibililtas insurance company - Make sure the best car insurance product chosen comes from insurance companies with good credibility in the eyes of the community. 
  • The resolution of customer complaints - Search information complaints on the internet and various forums about insurance products. Notice how they solve the problem of the customer. More and more problems are resolved, the better for these insurance companies. 
  • The general partner's workshop and a garage authorized - Note the list of their partner's workshop, is composed of a trusted repair shop and makes it easy to do the repair if the distance of the workshop close to Your home or work location. Look at the track record of the workshop partners Perusahaan, make sure they have a good capability in fixing Your vehicle. 
  • The company's service features - At the time of vehicle protection program will pick up your car, it will be good to pay attention to the services of the insurance best auto insurance or vehicle such as a car, a tow hotline service, replacement car, as well as branches in everywhere. Why is it so? If you are outside of the city and how things happen, then you will be able to easily report the matter to the insurance where you are. 
  • Make sure that the services are accepted in accordance with the agreements made. You also need to inquire about the insurance service problems to other clients who have joined long ago. 
  • Online application - Please choose the insurance company that owns the application registration and vehicle insurance claims or others online. Because it is very easy, for example, if your car suddenly broke down on the motorway, you can claim the insurance via the application directly from your smartphone. 

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